The other day I got an interesting piece of mail in my mailbox. Now I'm used to getting spam in my email inbox but these actual mail postcard scams always throw me for a minute.
I am actually expecting a big package, a new hitch for my car, and so at first I thought it may be real. The number was a local 919 area code and the timing was right. But the first thing I did when I got the card was Google the name in the return address. And sure enough the scam is even on the NC Gov site.
"The package is actually just a bottle of laundry detergent, and you only
get the detergent if you agree to let a company come to your home and
test your water. If you say yes, you can expect a hard sell on one of
the company’s water treatment systems."
Fortunately for me, I was raised by a smart woman who prepared me for the world. Mama didn't raise no fool.
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